A Christian witness in Mill Green since 1895

Mill Green Gospel Hall is a Christian church made up of different people who have something in common: we are followers of Jesus Christ who want to worship Him and please Him in the way that we live.
In keeping with other churches of the open brethren assembly persuasion, we take our lead from the Bible, where we read that the members of the New Testament church continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. (Acts 2.42)
The best way to find out more about us is to come along to one of our meetings, where you can be sure of a warm welcome.
The Gospel Halls are a collection of independent evangelical churches, sometimes known as ‘assemblies’. We are independent because our beliefs and practices are determined at a local level by the elders of each assembly, who seek to follow the Bible as faithfully as possible, rather than by a central organisation.
Though independent, the Gospel Halls are nevertheless a collection in the sense that we tend to share certain aspects of doctrine and practice and have fellowship with one another.
At the time of writing approximately twenty to thirty of us meet together each Lord’s Day morning, with that number being a little lower for evening meetings. We come from different backgrounds and a wide range of ages are represented, including a number of young children.

People are sometimes surprised when they come to a Gospel Hall because they expect to hear Gospel Music, whereas we actually sing traditional hymns. The word ‘gospel’ is about much more than a type of music - it means ‘good news’. But first of all the bad news: the Bible tells us that we are all sinners who are in need of forgiveness, law-breakers nearing a day when justice will be done and each person who has not trusted in Jesus will be sent to hell.
The good news of the gospel is that, in the Lord Jesus Christ, God came down to earth to save us from our sin. He lived the perfect life that we could not live in order that he could die in our place, taking upon himself the judgement that we deserve. A great exchange took place on the cross for every believer: our sins were given to God and His righteousness was given to us.
“...if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” (Romans 10:9)
We meet together as a local assembly of God’s people because we have been saved: God has forgiven us and we are now in a relationship with Him. Whether you believe the gospel or not, you can be sure of a warm welcome when you visit us.
For the Glory of God
A Christian Testimony Since 1895
The story of Mill Green Gospel Hall begins back in 1895 when Mr. Bishop of The Church Army held meetings from his caravan on Mill Green Common. Out of this and a three week visit by Mr Humphries of The Counties Work the following year grew a group of dedicated Christians. They met on The Common during the summer and used available local homes when the colder, darker days prevailed.
Various meetings were held at Woodside Cottages, including a regular group attended by around forty children. More space was needed and so a Sunday School commenced in a larger home, now known as Ivy Cottage. This also became the venue for other activities, including mid-week prayer meetings and Bible teaching sessions. As numbers increased so did the need for a permanent meeting place, and after much prayer the decision was taken to build.
With twenty-four people in fellowship the work began, and in November 1902 was completed. The cost of building Mill Green Gospel Hall in 1902 was £303 11/9d. The Hall remained architecturally similar for many years but in the early eighties it was extended and modernised to accommodate a range of activities. Recent improvements to the building in 2007 include new entrance doors and double glazed windows in the front hall.
But of course the church refers primarily to the people, not the building in which they meet. At the time of writing about forty of us meet together each Lord’s Day morning, with that number being a little lower for most of the other meetings. We come from different backgrounds and a wide range of ages are represented, including a good number of young children. It would be a blessing to have you come and visit us soon.

Gospel preaching by visiting speaker

Friends and members of Mill Green Gospel Hall

The Gospel Hall many years ago (right hand side)

Gospel preaching by visiting speaker